在全球化的商业环境中,外贸业务员每天都会使用英语进行沟通。掌握一组核心英文例句对于有效工作至关重要。本文将对 62 个外贸业务工作中使用频率最高的英文例句进行深入探讨,帮助读者应对日常业务挑战。



- Could you please send me a quotation for 100 units of your product?

- We are interested in purchasing the following items: [列出具体物品]

- Please provide us with a detailed product specification and pricing information.

- What is the MOQ (Minimum Order Quantity) for this product?


- We are pleased to offer you the following quotation: [提供报价信息]

- We confirm our order for 500 units of the [产品名称] as per the attached purchase order.

- Please acknowledge receipt of this order and confirm the estimated delivery date.

- Can you provide us with a proforma invoice for this order?


- What is the current stock availability of this product?

- When can we expect to receive our shipment?

- Could you please update us on the shipment status?

- How many units are included in each carton?


- What are the shipping options available for this order?


- We request that the goods be shipped via [指定承运人]

- Please provide us with the tracking number for the shipment.

- Can you arrange the customs clearance for the imported goods?


- Thank you for your inquiry. We will get back to you shortly.

- We appreciate your business and look forward to a long-term partnership.

- Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions.

- We would like to schedule a meeting to discuss our future cooperation.


1. 询问询盘的常用英语

- Could you please send me a quotation?

- I would like to get a quote for 1,000 units.

- What is the MOQ for this product?

- Can you provide me with the product specifications?

2. 报价和订单确认中的关键句

- We are pleased to offer you the following quotation.

- We confirm our order as per the attached purchase order.

- Please acknowledge receipt of this order and confirm the delivery date.


- Can you provide us with a proforma invoice?

3. 产品查询和货物状况的相关问句

- What is the current stock availability?

- When can we expect the shipment?

- Could you please update us on the shipment status?

- How many units are included in each carton?

4. 运输和物流安排中的常用表达

- What are the shipping options available?

- We request the goods to be shipped via [承运人].

- Please provide us with the tracking number.

- Can you arrange the customs clearance for the imported goods?

5. 客户沟通和跟进中的礼貌用语

- Thank you for your inquiry.

- We appreciate your business.

- Please do not hesitate to contact us.

- We would like to schedule a meeting to discuss our future cooperation.

