
国际空运 货代英文沟通常用句式



起运机场和目的地机场:"Could you please quote us for a shipment from [起运机场代码] to [目的地机场代码]?"

货物信息:"The shipment consists of [货物类型], weighing approximately [货物重量] and measuring [货物尺寸]."

起运时间:"The expected departure date is [起运日期]."

服务要求:"We would like to request [服务类型], such as door-to-door, airport-to-airport, or consolidation."

运费查询:"Please provide us with a competitive quote for both economy and express services."


确认订舱:"This is to confirm our booking for the shipment mentioned in the previous inquiry."

货物详情:"The details of the shipment are as follows: [具体货物信息]."

航班信息:"The flight information is: Flight Number [航班号], Departure Date [出发日期], Departure Time [出发时间]."

交货信息:"The delivery address is [交货地址], and the contact person is [收货人]."

运费支付:"We will pay the freight charges as per the agreed terms."


发件人信息:"Consignor Address: [发件人地址], Consignor Contact: [发件人联系方式]."

收件人信息:"Consignee Address: [收件人地址], Consignee Contact: [收件人联系方式]."

货物信息:"Goods Description: [货物描述], Number of Packages: [包裹数量], Gross Weight: [毛重], Volume Weight: [体积重]."

国际空运 货代英文沟通常用句式

运输条款:"Terms of Shipment: [运输条款], Incoterms: [国际贸易术语]."

特殊说明:"Special Instructions: [特殊说明], such as handling requirements, insurance, or customs clearance."


查询状态:"We are writing to inquire about the status of our shipment with Airway Bill Number [运单号]."

货物信息:"The shipment details are as follows: [具体货物信息]."

查询时间:"We would like to know the current location of the shipment and the estimated delivery date."

联系方式:"Please contact us at [联系方式] for further updates."

跟踪通知:"Please keep us updated on the shipment's progress and provide us with tracking information."


申报内容:"We are writing to declare the following goods for export/import: [申报货物清单]."

报关文件:"Please find attached the necessary documentation for customs clearance, including commercial invoice, packing list, and certificate of origin."

关税税率:"We would like to know the applicable duty rates for the goods being imported/exported."

报关流程:"Please provide us with detailed instructions on the customs clearance process."

代理授权:"We hereby authorize [代理公司] to act on our behalf for all customs clearance matters."


1. 如何向货代索取运费报价?

常用句式:"Could you please quote us for a shipment from [起运机场代码] to [目的地机场代码]?"

国际空运 货代英文沟通常用句式

2. 如何确认订舱?

常用句式:"This is to confirm our booking for the shipment mentioned in the previous inquiry."

3. 运单中需要哪些关键信息?


4. 如何查询货物状态?

常用句式:"We are writing to inquire about the status of our shipment with Airway Bill Number [运单号]."

5. 报关函中需要申报哪些内容?

常用句式:"We are writing to declare the following goods for export/import: [申报货物清单]."

6. 如何授权代理进行报关?

常用句式:"We hereby authorize [代理公司] to act on our behalf for all customs clearance matters."

7. 如何了解关税税率?

常用句式:"We would like to know the applicable duty rates for the goods being imported/exported."

8. 清关流程有哪些步骤?

常用句式:"Please provide us with detailed instructions on the customs clearance process."

以上关于国际空运 货代英文沟通常用句式的内容由用户:【在人間】在【2024-03-30】整理发布到blog栏目,希望对您有帮助并解决了您的实际问题。
